

1. 约了面试却没收到confirmation

场景一:Recruiter/ Interviewer 给你发了一系列时间,让你选具体哪一个面试,结果你选完后迟迟没有收到确认邮件。例如,我和Recruiter约了时间,却没收到video interview的链接。

这种情况下大概率是漏发了confirmation,可以给recruiter/ interviewer发一封follow up邮件,确认面试时间是不是照常进行。


Hi X,

Hope you are doing well. I haven’t received an interview confirmation yet and just want to check in with you to make sure Tuesday at 12:30 pm PST is still a good time for [you or another interviewer’s name] to interview me for the XX role. If not, I can select another time for the interview.

Thank you.



这种情况下,时间并没有约好。你得follow up去问面试的时间行不行。

2. 约好了电话面试,但是时间已经到了,interviewer没打电话过来



It’s X calling. We scheduled an interview today at 3 pm concerning the XX position. It’s 3:20 pm, and I haven’t heard from you. I hope everything is OK on your end. Please keep in touch so we can reschedule. My phone number is XXX-XXX-XXXX(你的电话). Thank you.


Hi X,

I just left a voice mail for you at XXX-XXX-XXXX(面试官的电话). We scheduled an interview for 3 pm today, but I didn’t hear from you. I do hope that you are OK. I’ll be available [tomorrow afternoon and Wednesday morning], so please get in touch so that we can reschedule.

Thank you.



方法一:Hi X,

I am just checking in as I haven’t yet heard from you for our [11:30 am PST] interview today for the XX role. I hope everything is OK on your end. Is there a better time for us to have this call? I am still interested in your XX role.

Thank you.



Hi X,

I’m just reaching out to check in about our call for XX role, scheduled for 1 pm EST today. I wanted to confirm that you still have time to jump on the phone this afternoon. Please let me know if now is still a good time for you or if you’ll need to reschedule. I am available for [tomorrow afternoon and Wednesday morning].

Thank you.

3. 被告知需要reschedule面试


Hi X,

I appreciate you letting me know that we need to reschedule our interview. I’m happy to come in next Wednesday at 3:00 pm instead. I look forward to meeting you and hearing more about the position. If there is anything you need from me in the meantime, please let me know.

Thank you.


4. 你不想面试了,想取消面试


Hi X,

Thank you very much for contacting me regarding the XX position available at ABC company. I appreciate your consideration for the job, but I need to cancel the interview scheduled for Tuesday, January 15th at 10 am.

I will not be available to interview and would like to withdraw my application for the position. Again, thank you for your consideration.


5. 你临时有事,需要改面试时间


Dear X,

Would it be possible to reschedule the interview we had set for the XX position on March 15th at 2 pm? I will not be able to attend at that time but would very much appreciate the opportunity to talk to you about the position.

My schedule is open for the rest of the week, and I’m available whenever is most convenient for you.

Thank you very much for your consideration.



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