



XXX graduated from XX University with a Master’s degree in XX (专业名称) in XX(年份). (开头可以先介绍一下学历信息,比如XXX在2017年在某个大学拿到了计算机硕士文凭) Currently, he/she is working as a XX (岗位名称,比如Data Scientist,SDE等等) in XX (公司名称,这句重点介绍目前的工作岗位以及公司). His/her professional experience includes XX and XX etc. (介绍一下专业特长,比如Data Scientist可以写machine learning,computer graphics, data visualization等等,尽量将自己的关键技能写上去). Coupling this experience with his/her passion for XX (比如data,computer science等) makes him/her an excellent fit at XX (公司名称). (最后强调一下很适合公司的岗位)



Jonathan graduated from Cornell University with a Master’s degree in Computer Science in 2017. Currently, he is working as a Data Scientist in Google. His professional experience includes statistical modelling, data mining and data visualization. Coupling this experience with his passion for data makes him an excellent fit at our company.

Image by Manfred Steger from Pixabay

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