The product I originally shipped was new and sealed, as clearly shown in my listing photos. However, the item I received in return was opened and without the original sealed label. Attached, you will find:
- Photo 1: The message I sent to the buyer the day the item was delivered.
- Photo 2: The returned item compared with my original item, highlighting the discrepancies.
- Photo 3: The returned item compared with the item in the buyer’s return request photo, showing the torn seal label made by her.
The discrepancies between the condition of the item I sent and the item I received back indicate that the item was not returned in the same condition, which is against eBay’s Condition of Returned Items Policy.
Request: Given the evidence provided, I kindly request that this return case be resolved in my favor and the removal of the buyer’s negative comment, as it does not accurately reflect the situation and is damaging to my seller reputation.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt resolution.
通过这事我也学到了不要一味去迎合买家的低价offer,不合理的直接拒了。eBay介入靠不上,能自己解决尽量自己解决。无论是eBay介入,还是report buyer,都只是在攒数据罢了,哪怕我期间跟客服打过两次电话,也是啥都没解决,特别浪费时间!我怀疑那report buyer只有在积累到一定数目引起了eBay的注意时他们才会去看,才能真正起作用。