如何Negotiate房租 (附英文模版)
1. 表达主题
I am writing to inquire about the possibility of negotiating the rent for my apartment.
2. 自己所付的房租相较其他地方比较高
I have done some research and found that similar apartments in the nearby area are renting for significantly less than what I am currently paying. Our nearby apartment XXX offers $XXX plus one month free rent and other apartments also offering us a very attractive price.
3. 对我们小区很满意,但是如今市场不好,整体房租呈现下降趋势
While I am happy with my apartment and the services provided by the leasing office, I am finding it increasingly difficult to justify paying a higher price when there are more affordable options available. Especially now that lots of people are getting affected by the current economic climate.
4. 再次表达对小区的喜爱,以及希望大家可以共同讨论
I hope that we can find a solution that works for both parties and enables us to continue to live in this great community. Thank you again for your time and attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
一般来说,小区的leasing会将你的request转达给更高一个级别的management的员工,由他们决定是否可以降低房租。能否降低房租取决于你当前所付的价格,市场供需关系,以及当下小区waiting list上面的人数等等。通常,暑假时候的租房市场会比较火热,年底的时候则是淡季,所以淡季的negotiate成功率会远高于旺季。
Image by F. Muhammad from Pixabay